Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Goodbye Kingston

About 2 months ago Toby and I started tossing the idea around to sell our house.  We went back and forth literally 100s of times but ultimately decided to sell the great house on Kingston that we lovingly and painstakingly remodeled and made our own.  It was such a hard decision to make but we felt like we were walking in the right direction and that God was calling us to make this change.  What we didn't realize when we started this process was that the house we would end up buying would be nothing that we expected.  Needless to say our last night at Kingston was hard...we contemplated staying at my parents since the truck was loaded with most of our furniture but instead decided to camp out.  The kids in our master bedroom and Toby and I in the living room.  It was a sweet night with just us 5, the Lego movie, Netflix, and some tears. 

The kids loved the U-Haul so much!!  Empty they thought it was their American Ninja Warrior course and full they thought it was a jungle gym filled with tunnels.  


My parents, sister and brother in law, Toby's mom, and friends were all so helpful in getting us moved.  It was a long, hard few days but we finally made it to the new house. 
Lots of pics of the new house to come!

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