The play area was super cute and was called "Scoops and Ladders". They all played for quite awhile. A place like this would be a hit in Texas where it is 9 million degrees.
I am really enjoying my time with the crazies. Toby works 6 - 12 hour days so we only get to see him in the evenings and on his one day off. Maybe an occasional lunch. So many people can't understand how I don't lose my mind being with my kiddos so much but I can't imagine being without them. They are all growing so quickly and I realize more than ever what the expression "babies don't keep" means. I am trying to soak up every little detail and it is a bit easier here without the daily needs that being at home demands of me. Sam's humor is perfect and his zeal for life is contagious. He finds excitement in the smallest things such as pushing the elevator button the 20 times a day he gets. Jack is trying so hard to be such a pleaser and is so contemplative now. He really is thinking before he speaks and considering things around him. He has passion for his interests and wants to succeed every time in everything. This causes him to get so frustrated but also allows for lots of character building and lessons for Mom and Dad to step in about the importance of the process. Lucy is creeping up on being one and that just amazes me. I can't cuddle her enough and I am just savoring this last month before she is technically a toddler. She is inquisitive about everything her brothers are doing and so flexible in her spirit. Her Daddy is quickly becoming just about her favorite thing in this world and I wouldn't want it any other way. I love the way she softens him in only a way a daughter could. I am learning more and more the importance of family and how having the kids close to us is the best way for us to train and mold them into the people they should be. Lessons are everywhere when you are together this much and I am now seeing more than ever the gift God gave me as a parent as well as the important way I am being called to serve Him in creating little tiny followers of Christ.
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