Wasn't the rode paved with good intentions. Here is another shot at blogging more regularly. We are in Ohio with Toby right now and I have no excuse not to blog when we are here because I don't have tons to do like when I am in my own house. So here goes another attempt at getting back into the blogging world. We have just been in Ohio a few days and are actually very settled and getting pretty used to finding our way around Columbus. I have looked up lots of inexpensive and free activities for kids. This city is jam packed with options for littles. The first few days we were here Toby showed us around and we took the kids to the park, mall play areas, Lego store, and splash park. I only had my camera with me at the splash park. They loved it.
Today was Toby's first day back at work so we are trying to figure out a daily routine here. I am making it my goal to hit the gym everyday...no excuses. We plan on playing outside a lot at various parks, swimming, going to the zoo, aquarium, and COSI museum. Hopefully, we will find time to visit the Amish country in Ohio. I love the cooler weather and that we can actually go outside to play. We are also finding lots of time for reading, coloring, Lego building, and playing play dough. I think this will end up being nice break for all of us and some very important family time. We will just be busy making memories.
Yay! Glad you're back at it!